
Table of Homework assignments. Note that the starred problems are graded, all problems are recommended.

Assignment Number Problems Due Date
1 The ODE Project:
  Section 1.2.9: 8, 16*
  Section 1.3.8: 6, 10*, 16*
  Section 1.4.6: 6
  Section 1.5.8: 8, 16*
  Section 1.7.5: 4*
September 1, 2023
2 The ODE Project:
  Section 1.6.5: 1*, 3
Elementary DEs with BVPs:
  Section 2.5: 2*, 4, 6*
  Section 2.6: 4*, 6, 8
September 8, 2023
3 The ODE Project:
  Section 2.2.8: 1*, 3, 5
  Section 3.3.6: 1, 2 (a, b, d, e, f)*, 3
Elementary DEs with BVPs:
  Section 5.1: 4 (a, b), 5 (a, c)*, 7*, 9, 28*
  Section 5.2: 2*, 4*, 6, 13*, 16, 22, 23
September 29, 2023
4 The ODE Project:
  Section 4.3.5: 12, 13, 14*, 18*, 19
Elementary DEs with BVPs:
  Section 5.4: 15, 16*, 17
  Section 5.5: 7*, 8, 22, 23
  Section 5.7: 1, 2, 3, 4*, 5, 6
October 11, 2023
6 Elementary DEs with BVPs:
  Section 7.2: 1, 2*, 3, 4
  Section 7.3: 1, 2, 3, 4*
  Section 8.3: 1, 2*, 3, 4
  Section 8.5: 4, 5, 7, 8*
November 8, 2023
7 Elementary DEs with BVPs:
  Section 11.1: 17, 18*, 19, 20*
  Section 11.2: 3*, 7, 10, 12
  Section 11.3: 6, 8*, 13, 17*
December 1, 2023
8 Elementary DEs with BVPs:
  Section 12.1: 10*, 18*, 25
December 6, 2023